To care or not to care, in a situation when your caring does not bring any direct relief but is a tiny drop in a bucket of much-needed sympathy. Gaza is being bombed like hell for the past 2 weeks. Everyday a new horror story for their people, in a fight for survival amidst a ban on access to all basic amenities. Water, food, medicines, electricity, fuel, hope. 
People on Twitter seem like the only people who understand what I am going through as an audience, far-removed from the scenes of slaughter that have been unleashed on 2 million innocent civilians. 
Why is it that everyone is able to go with their lives after this? why is it that we are, in fact, forced to live our lives through all this. 
A part of the world and its people are going through unimaginable brutality under occupation, and the rest of us just get to keep living and pretending like its not a direct assault on all things that this world is built on. 
We were promised safety, democracy, and capitalism. Why is it that we have to keep being the hamsters of their capitalistic wheels, that have been funding the wars, our taxes being used to pay for the weapons of mass destruction.
But the only one promise that THEY have to keep, can be shifted like a goalpost to THEIR convenience.
Oh you protest, you get arrested, lose your job.
What is this freedom? Does it have a name? 


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